Thursday, December 31, 2015


P.O. BOX 3245

April 3, 2009

Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
PO Box 2214
Camp Nelson, CA 93208


Dear Ms. Pillsbury-Foster:

Thank you for your letter dated March 24, 2009. Your payment was received on March 7, 2009 via a cashier's check sent by Justin C. Foster. The check was dated February 6, 2009 but postmarked nearly a month later, on March 5th of this year. It was deposited into the CSMWC bank account on March 9, 2009.

Your recitation of the current version of Article 1.1 of the By-Laws is correct, and the Board of Directors concurs that you are entitled to view Company records that do not conflict with the Company’s obligations to comply with California and Federal privacy protections. As a shareholder, you are undoubtedly aware that for at least the last four decades, the Cedar Slope Mutual Water Company has not had the resources to maintain a separate office.  As a longstanding cost saving measure, the company’s books and records have been maintained by the company’s bookkeepers in their homes.

The bookkeeper will assess the number of copies that will need to be made to accommodate your request for copies, obtain a quote from a copy service, and inform you of the cost estimate for making such copies.  Upon receipt of your payment, the copy service will be engaged and the copies will be sent to you. Certain private information will be redacted to meet the water company’s privacy obligations.

Regarding your request for records dating back to 1990, the laws regarding retention of financial documents varies depending on which statutes and regulations one is interpreting. As a result, not all records dating back to 1990 may be available.

The following agency handles all of the water company’s insurance, including its Commercial Package   (American Alternative Insurance Co), Commercial Automobile,   (American Alternative Insurance Co) and Position Schedule Bond (Western Surety):
Ms. Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
April 3, 2009
Page 2

Roger Miller Insurance Agency
A Division of DiBundo & DeFendis Insurance Group
Attn:  Rich Miller
Telephone:  661-765-7131

In response to your inquiry about Mr. Black’s status, he is both a shareholder and a part-time employee of the mutual water company. He receives a monthly and hourly wage and reimbursement for expenses that he incurs in the maintenance of the water distribution system, including snow plowing to maintain access to hydrants and other water company assets during winter. The company engages no security services, either from Mr. Black, or from any other source.

Any cost reimbursements tendered by the company to Mr. Black for repairs will be detailed in the copies of the records that will be provided to you. Personal employment records will not be made available to comply with privacy protections under both California and Federal law.
Please feel free to contact the Board should you have any additional questions or comments.

Very truly yours,

Cathy Anderson, President
CSMWC Board of Directors 

CC: CSMWC Board Members

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