Saturday, March 12, 2016

A Look at the Neighborhood

At 6:16 this morning these were the available WiFis on Circle Way, Cedar Slope.  Mine are Harriet and the HP-Print-88-Officejet 4630 is my printer. 

This is especially interesting because no one is staying at any cabin around here - except for us.  Personally, I think both the other  routers, or other wifi devices are at the Greenfield cabin.   Greenfield Cabin 5.4 and FBI Surveillance come and go but generally travel together, appearing one after another and staying around while my AVG repair goes nuts keeping this computer operating.  Why would that be?  

11:57am - Hey!  Where did Greenfield and FBI Surveillance go?  They all of a sudden disappeared.  I wonder why?

12:01pm - And guess what????  No more huge piles of hacks to be  handled.  Must be a conincidence, right? 

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